Post 2682 of 2705 Joined 5/18/2011 |
Some people would rwther spend their time arguing than educating themselves. ask yourself why? these people dont want to learn..... And that is why it is best to leave them to it, |
G'day Snare, LOL That was great advice there to Viviane, shame she didn't take it. Great advicice to me as well.....not being academic I've been living OS and learning new languages and 'bout other cultures 'n' stuff. I'll be dying a happy ol' man with a clear consciense, knowing I've lived by Samaratan Principles. In my travels I have seen 'n' received the greatest outpouring of christian charity from buddhists. Go figure. See you've passed and are now Jr.Dr.Snare. Good on ya mate
@ Viviane....... I have things to do.
Well why don't ya do ev'ry one a favour 'n' go do 'em then? Cos ya got nuthing better to do but sit on the net and spew vitriol at anyone looking to discuss in a mostly respectful manner, things they're thinking about but just don't understand. All theories are just theories until proven. You are so smart, it wouldn't be difficult for you to explain in examples ordinary humans could understand? Most of your responses are put simply, put downs 'n' I'm surprized no ones told ya to pull ya head in before. Ahhh that's's your thread. So wot!! Just for the record I have made reference to the higher dimensions on here before. I believe in them, yet I personally have no proof of their existance. Am I then an ass speaking with the voice of a man or just someone not academically programmed? Lucky for you we do exist, otherwise you wouldn't have a house to live in with electric, gas, heating etc. or transport to get you where you need to be to do all of the things you need to do. And yes, since this is YOUR thread; I do believe in the possibility of life on the 4th, 5th or higher dimensions, otherwise what is their purpose. All of the resurrected have to live somewhere don't they?
Luv'n'thortz WOZ